Freeze Dried Organic Wheatgrass Juice Enema Powder - 1/2 Lb
Gluten Free & Non- GMO
PureLife Health Equipment Organic Wheatgrass "Juice" Powder is enema specific. The powder is very concentrated in nutrient potency and will dissolve completely in the water. No sediment will be left floating on top which happens with regular wheatgrass powders. It is very water soluable.
Our wheatgrass powder is "freeze-dried". This process differs greatly from other wheatgrass, because no heat is used in drying the powder. This preserves the nutrients and potency in the wheatgrass.
Because it is so concentrated, you only need half the amount you would with other powders.
You get the maximum in potency of minerals and vitamins delivered direct into the bloodstream.
Customers report experiencing a blissful, refreshing inner feeling as well as feeling more energy after using our wheatgrass powder as an enema.
1/2 Teaspoon of powder = 1 Oz freshly juiced wheatgrass
Start with 1/2 teaspoon of powder into 2 cups of COOL filtered water in your enema bucket or bag. (We recommend Purelife Glass Enema Buckets because they are easy to clean after.
Stir in the powder to dissolve. If you have problems dissolving, you can put the wheatgrass and water into a blender to blend and dissolve.
You may also make a more concentrated enema by using only 1 Cup of water.
You may increase the amount of powder up to 1 Teaspoon into 2 cups of water, depending on how you feel. Remember that wheatgrass, although healing and energizing, is also a detoxifier. So start at 1/2 teaspoon.
Lay on your right side and hold the enema in for 5 minutes.
Wheatgrass implants are similar to coffee enemas in detoxifying, but will administer a rich content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients and metabolic enzymes into your body, helping your colon to heal, and your organs and blood to get the nutrients it needs for great health.
Wheatgrass Juice Powder is equivalent to freshly juiced wheatgrass in potency, and much more convenient to use.
PureLife Enema Wheatgrass Active Ingredients:
- Chlorophyll
- Vitamins A, B, C and E
- Calcium, magnesium
- Potassium
- Iron
- Natural Enzymes
- Enema Solution, Enema Implant - PureLife Wheatgrass Enema Powder flows through the portal vein to the liver, detoxifying the liver and blood.
- Use for healing of colon walls.
- Can be drank as Nutritional Supplement
- Maybe added to food or drink as beverage.
Possible Healing Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice Enema
- Stimulates the liver to cleanse and detox
- Wheatgrass juice is absorbed by the hemmorhoidal vein, located just inside the anal sphincter, then circulates to the liver where it increases peristalic action of the colon and attract waste and old fecal matter like a magnet to be eliminated from the body.
- Wheatgrass juice enemas tones the colon and will be absorbed quickly into the blood, adding oxygen and nutrients to the body.
- Leaves you feeling energised, very refreshed and blissful.
- More mental clarity and calmness.
- Reduces cravings for sugar, drugs, alcohol
- Helps with arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, asthma, circulation, heart, improves bowel movements, relieves stomach gas , relieves pain in the body
This Wheatgrass gives me nutrition and clarity of mind
I never thought of taking wheatgrass as an enema - directly after my weekly Ultra Light Gold Coffee enema would give me more nutrients and clearness of mind. But it does. I thought that I had a clean liver, the wheatgrass seems to further enhance the workability of the liver and also seems to make other parts of my body to be more in cooperation with the liver. Thank you PureLife to enclose a little card about the wheatgrass with the pack - It made me take notice and observe this new experience.
Omg, This Is The Last Wheatgrass You ll Ever Want OR Need !! It s A 13 Plus.. . . Whether You Use It Orally Or Rectally .. . . Smooth, Smooth ... . . . The First Thing I Noticed IS How It Mixed With The Water.. . . PERFECT.. . . The Second Thing I Noticed Is After The Enema It Was Still Smooth... . It Did NOT Leave A Ring Around The Toilet .. . The Flavor Orally Is Enjoyable .. . . Considering.. . !!! Try It .. You ll Not Be DISAPPOINTED .. . Preventive Care .. .
Great Product ! Love it!
Great Product ! Love it!
Excellent Green Detox
The best we have found. Thank you for being committed to excellence with all your products.